Suggest a Site

Joeant has made it easy to add your site, just browse through the topics and choose the one that best suits your site.  Click the "Add URL" button at the bottom of the page and Joe will guide you through the simple process.

Please submit sites to the most appropriate and specific topic possible. This is important because directory users often drill down to the topic in which they are interested.  If you submit your site to a too general topic, you may get missed by your target audience.

What is the most appropriate topic? The best way to decide is to look through all the available topics and their subtopics to become familiar with them. A keyword search to find similar sites and their topics is also very helpful. If the site to be submitted is of a broad and varied subject matter, then it belongs in a more general topic. If it deals with a more narrow subject, then it belongs in a more specific topic. For example, if a site deals with lawn care, gardening and do-it-yourself home repair, it would belong in the Home & Garden topic. But if it deals solely with how to plant and grow tomatoes, then it would belong in the Home & Garden >  Gardening > Plants > Vegetables > Tomatoes and Peppers subtopic. 

Webmaster submissions are subject to editor evaluation. URL's are only permitted to be indexed once. Always check our database by searching for your domain to make sure your site is not already indexed.

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