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Explore the Taj Mahal
Java and QuickTime virtual tours through the Taj Mahal monument in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. In English, French and Japanese.
Great Buildings Collection
Documents approximately a thousand buildings, offering 3D models, sections on buildings and architects, architectural building types, architectural styles, photographic images, architectural drawings, commentaries, bibliographies, news.
Building American
Online exhibit from the National Building Museum. Features browsable timelines, essays, audio clips, images of highpoints in American building.
Cupolas of Capitalism
Featuring historic information about all the American state capitol buildings with pictures, architectural data and descriptions.
Glass Steel and Stone
Includes descriptions, photographs, and three-dimensional models of buildings, bridges, skyscrapers, and other architectural constructions.
Historic Campus Architecture Project
Database of architectural plans, images, and information on historically significant buildings of American colleges and universities.
Includes diagram of the world's tallest buildings, a discussion forum, and photographs.
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