America's First Look into the Camera Daguerreotype collection consists of photographs dating from 1839 to 1864. Portrait daguerreotypes produced by the Mathew Brady studio make up the major portion of the collection.
American Photographs: The First Century Collection of photographs including Civil War images by George Barnard and the Mathew Brady Studio, western landscapes by Timothy O'Sullivan and William Henry Jackson, pictorialist scenes by Clarence White and Gertrude Kasebier.
American Photography: A Century of Images The art of photography, photography & war, digital truth, image-making, advertising & persuasion, social aspects, cultural identity, and image lab.
History of Photography, A Robert Leggatt has posted a history of photography from its beginnings until the 1920s, emphasizing famous personalities. Also has many links to related sites.
Kodak Brownies Contains a database of Box Brownies made by Eastman Kodak Company, which includes images of each camera model and specifications. Also features advertisements, a background essay, and a bibliography.
Magic Mirror of Life Information about camera obscura with old and modern cartoons, articles, and photographs, accounts of visits to specific cameras, brief notes on appearances of the camera obscura in movies and literature.
Scene of the Crime: Photo by Weegee Exhibit on Weegee (Arthur Fellig), who is known for his crime scene photos and images of New York City nightlife in the 1930s and 1940s. Features images from the exhibition, audio and video clips.
Taking the Long View: Panoramic Photographs 1851-1991 Images featuring American cityscapes, landscapes, and group portraits. Searchable by keyword and browsable by subject, creator, state, and country. Includes a brief history of panoramic photography and a bibliography. From the American Memory Project.
Time Tales Project by photographer Astrid van Loo and Web designer Dick Dijkman. Showcases the pictures found on flea markets divided by period.