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Anxiety Community
A community support forum for those who suffer from anxiety, depression and other mental health problems.
A Place of Hope Anxiety Treatment
Take back control of your life through this anxiety disorders treatment center. No more anxiety or panic attacks so you can enjoy people, places and experiences without obsessive worry or fear.
Anxiety and Depression Association of America
Information about anxiety disorders with resources for consumers and professionals.
Anxiety Treatment Coach
Free 25-minute phone consultation. Dr. Kominek provides professional guidance based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Hypnotherapy using self-help materials along with phone coaching to guide you to recovery from your anxiety.
Calm Clinic
Informational website for sufferers of various mental disorders. Issues covered: anxiety, panic attacks, depression, OCD, stress.
Panic Anxiety Disorders
Provides information on what anxiety is and how to treat it. Other topics include news, personal stories, medical offers, and self help.
Social Anxiety
Provides information on disorders and phobias including social and performance anxiety, fear of public speaking, shyness, blushing, Selective Mutism. Offers free CDs, videos, self-tests, tips; comprehensive telephone and in-office therapy.
Social Anxiety Disorder
Articles designed to educate and inform Web users about social anxiety. Includes social phobia FAQ, treatments, glossary, and related resources.
Approved to treat depression, social anxiety disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) in adults over age 18.
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