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Hip Hop News
Community based Hip Hop news portal with an emphasis on Rap gossip and discussions.
Supports online hip-hop, offers shopping, bulletin boards, games, hip-hop directory, private messages, contests and daily hip-hop news.
Hip hop as it is performed on the African continent. Interviews of rappers, music downloads, trends, listing of crews (or groups, for the un-hip), lyrics.
Hip hop portal with news, articles, multimedia, charts, release dates, and reviews.
Hood Fever
Rap hip hop blog with music and news entries.
Dedicated to the art of vocal percussion, aka beatboxing. Audio clips, battles, articles, tutorials, interviews, profiles, records, reviews, and events.
Recognize! Hip Hop and Contemporary Portraiture
Presenting photography, painting, graffiti art, film, poetry, and installation art. Features images, audio of interviews with the artists and of the making of the graffiti mural in the exhibit. From the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution.
RnB and Hip Hop World
Offers urban news, top artists' Web site links, music videos, record charts, chat room, message board and urban movie trailers.
Situation, The
UK urban music site covering R&B and hip hop news, interviews, videos, London clubs and chat.
This Beat Goes
A new generation hip hop community serving the latest news, music, and videos daily.
Top Hip Hop Music
Discover the definitions to favorite songs by hip hop artists. Listen to the lyrics of the music and post comments if you have a story that relates to the song.
Exclusive hip hop music, songs, MP3s, rap songs, remixes and freestyles.
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