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Illustrating the Colonial and Revolutionary periods. Facts, stories, Benjamin Franklin autobiography, Philadelphia history and oddities, town criers, and fun stuff.
Portal to colonial and early American content on the web covering the American Revolution and more featuring news, historical content, videos, books, art, events, and a directory of websites.
Early Virginia Religious Petitions
Images of petitions submitted to the Virginia legislature between 1774 and 1802. Includes information on the debate between church and state; a chronology of religious development in America (1607-1835); maps.
Plymouth Colony Archive Project
Focuses on Plymoth from 1620-1691. Contains texts of early laws, court records, wills, and probates; analyses of the colony legal structure, domestic relations, early settlement, criminal records, and interactions of the Wampanoag people.
Virtual Jamestown
Includes maps, labor contracts (with a database of servants' indenture contracts), public records, first hand accounts and letters, newspapers, reference center, which includes biographies.
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