Canadian Civil Engineering History and Heritage Information on some of Canada's most significant civil engineering landmarks, including bridges, railways, dams, and the Alaska Highway. Biographies of important civil engineers who contributed to national sites.
Charles Babbage Institute Center for the History of Information
Technology. History of information technology and information processing and their impact on society.
Chemsoc Timeline Exploration of key events in the history of science with a particular emphasis on chemistry.
First Sounds Dedicated by professional and non-professional enthusiastists to the early history of sound recording. Includes an MP3 of a recording from 1860, which at the time of posting was the earliest known.
Galileo's Battle for the Heavens Discusses Galileo’s struggles to convince church authorities of the validity of his scientific discoveries. Features chronology of his life; articles on his experiments; section explaining his theories on falling objects, incline planes.
Great Transatlantic Cable, The Companion to a PBS documentary about the undersea cable placed between the U.S. and Britain in the 1860s to allow telegraph contact. Features a timeline, cable jokes, and details about people and events.
History of Science Society Offers a historical view of science, technology, medicine, and the roll each played in societies development. Includes teaching and research information, membership, and contact information.
IEEE Virtual Museum Gives historical perspective of the harnessing of
electricity and the implications it has had on society.
Science Odyssey, A Companion site to PBS program presents an overview of developments in science and technology during the 20th century. Includes annotated timelines on topics such as medicine, physics, human behavior, and earth and life sciences.
Time-Warp Archive of Vintage Technology Information about the advancement of technology, currently focusing on specific innovations of the 20th century. The site lets users travel by decade through illustrated rooms typical of the period.
Transistor Museum Facts and quotes about the
importance of the transistor in modern life. Transcripts of lectures, oral histories, biographies of notable individuals involved in the development of transistor applications.