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E! Online
Offers news, information on celebrities, gossip, movie, TV and music reviews, multimedia, games, message boards, and fashion.
Disney Online
Entertainment portal to all Disney related properties, online interactive content, theme parks, Disney characters, movies, and cartoons. Features online games, store, fan and community pages.
Sony Pictures
Provides information on upcoming movies, television shows, games, online shopping, sweepstakes, and mobile fun.
TV Tropes
A fun directory of literary devices and cultural memes used in writing for television, anime, film, literature, and video games. User created, includes examples.
Under Ground Online
Entertainment portal to music, games, wrestling, tech reviews, film & TV, women, and animation of all kinds.
Warner Bros. Studios
Offers information on upcoming TV series and movies, job openings, games, merchandise, web forums, music, games, and downloads.
ABC News: Entertainment
Provides weekly TV ratings, news about movies, celebrities, and television. Features live celebrity chats, articles, and a newsletter.
Provides information on movies, music, entertainment, and television for the black community. Includes history, forums, and personals.
Boost Digital Entertainment
MP3 music, film downloads, online radio, music videos, kids radio, entertainment podcast and ipod content, free games, short films, free movies and news.
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Entertainment Weekly
Online magazine with movie, video, TV, music and book news, opinions, hotlists, features, and archives.
A nightlife website that features nightclubs and photos in Chicago, Miami, New York, Las Vegas and other US cities.
Get Glue
Social guide for TV, movies, and sports. Personalized guide lets you know when favorites are scheduled. See what is trending and get recommendations for new shows or movies.
Guide Events
A guide to local and global events. Events listed by type and location.
Hallyu Magazine
Magazine covering Korean entertainment including music, film & TV, fashion, celebrities, and trends. Free registration allows access to extra member's only content. In English.
An opinion-driven website for anyone who loves games, movies, pulp and comics.
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