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State Health Facts
Fifty state comparisons on demographics, health status, insurance, Medicaid and Medicare, budgets, managed care, providers, women's health, minority health, and HIV.
B. David Company
Water purification, filtration and distillation systems for United States employee based at foreign embassies, state department,Peace Corps and relief agencies.
CDC: Emergency Preparedness and Response
Alerts, advisories, and updates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Includes fact sheets on bioterrorism, biological agents and diseases, chemical agents, lists of contacts for bioterrorist attacks.
CDC: Public Health Image Library
PHIL is a collection of images and multimedia files related to public health. Searchable by category, keyword or image ID.
Global Health
Data for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other diseases, with tables, charts, and color-coded maps. Arranged by country or topic.
From the US Department of Health and Human Services. Addresses global health and the link between domestic and international health issues.
Healthy People
A set of health objectives for the US to achieve over the first decade of the new century. Includes leading health indicators, publications, information about programs.
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