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Churchill Speech Interactive
Educational resource offering Churchill's renowned Iron Curtain speech, delivered on 5th March 1946 in Fulton, Missouri.
Cold War
Exhibit that shows the significance of the Cold War in a collection of images, posters, documents and videos.
Cold War Museum
Records the history of the people, places and events of the Cold War (circa 1946-1991 CE) to inform about the fears, divisions, and dangers that the Cold War fostered.
Concrete Curtain: The Life and Death of the Berlin Wall
Presents photographs, a timeline, texts, and a bibliography. Available in English, French, and German.
Contains articles, interviews, book reviews, and visual and audio documents related to the post-WWII atomic culture.
Cuban Missile Crisis: 1962: The 40th Anniversary
Collection of declassified documents and other information about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Includes photographs, audio clips, submarine naval charts, a detailed chronology, and analyses.
Submarines, Secrets, & Spies
Companion site to a PBS NOVA program that about two tragedies of the Cold War, the wrecks of the nuclear submarines Thresher and Scorpion. Features virtual tours through two submarines and stories about life
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