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Avalon Project
A detailed account of Hiroshima and Nagasaki before and after the bombing compiled by the Manhattan Project Investigating Group.
Secret of WWII Revealed
Provides a manuscript, flight map, and photos on the third bombing attack of Japan six days after Nagasaki. This attack was kept secret until 1985.
Atomic Bomb: Decision
Offers documents on the US decision to drop the A-Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Includes an excerpt of Truman's radio speech on Aug. 6,1945.
Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima
A written account on the bombing of Hiroshima as seen through the eyes of P. Siemes, a German Jesuit Priest living near Hiroshima in 1945.
Barefoot Gen: No More Atomic Bombs!
A graphic autobiographical novel by artist Keiji Nakazawa that's based on his childhood experience of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
Enola Gay
The official Web site of Brig Gen Paul W. Tibbets (USAF Ret.), pilot of the Enola Gay. Provides detailed information on the A-bomb, the pilot, and the plane.
Race for the SuperBomb
Includes interviews, film footage of explosions, map of target sites in the U.S., weapons stockpile list for 1945 to 1997, timeline, primary sources, transcripts, teacher's guide and a people and events section.
Race to Build the Atomic Bomb, The
Provides information on the science, the scientists, and the nations involved in the development of the atomic bomb.
Scientific Data of the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Disaster
Describes and graphs the medical effects of the atomic bombing at Nagasaki. Topics include acute effects and late effects.Available in English and Japanese.
When the Earth Caught Fire
An overview and examination of the months following the bombing of Japan and the emotional conflict of American scientists, politicians, and the general public. Includes a bibliography.
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