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Children of the Camps
Based on a PBS documentary mapping the history of Japanese-Americans interned during World War ll as seen through the eyes of six children. The original broadcast aired in May, 1999.
Conscience and the Constitution
A PBS documentary on the resistance of a few Japanese-Americans who refused to fight for a country that took their birthrights away until they were fully restored.
Internment of San Francisco Japanese
Features the San Francisco News newspaper articles on the Japanese-American evacuation and internment during World War II. Presented by the San Francisco Museum.
Japanese-American Internment 1942-1945
Detailed textual and photo account of the events leading up to and during the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War ll. Includes Proclamation order 4417 issued in 1976.
Masumi Hayashi Photography
One artist's photographic perspective on the remnants of the Japanese-American internment camps. Includes interviews with some of the camps survivors.
More Perfect Union, A
An exhibit from the National Museum of American History (NMAH) focusing on the Japanese Americans who were placed in detention camps during World War II.
Confinement and Ethnicity
Provides a historical overview of the Japanese-American Internment Camps. Includes an essay by Eleanor Roosevelt, reference material, photos and location of each camp.
Densho: The Japanese American Legacy Project
features essays on the causes of the incarceration along with selected oral history videos. Includes lesson plans, a glossary, a timeline, a bilingual (English and Japanese) exhibition, oral history archives.
Exploring the Japanese American Internment
Essays and video clips explore topics related to World War II and prewar discrimination, experiences in the internment camps, and the postwar period and impact of the internment camps today.
Heart Mountain Digital Preservation Project
Features documents and photographs from the John Taggart Hinckley Library of Heart Mountain Relocation Center in Wyoming. Includes a history, events and information on the project.
I Am An American
Written accounts of the Japanese-Americans interned during World War II. Includes a large selection of links to related material.
Japanese American Exhibit and Access Project
Includes a virtual exhibit focusing on the Puyallup assembly center and Camp Harmony. Discussion of the war time relocation of Japanese Canadians from British Columbia to inland areas.
Japanese American Internment Experience
Provides pre-World War II history, politics of WW II, internment, 442nd Japanese American soldiers, post war information, and reference guide. Includes Japanese American related news.
Manzanar National Historic Site
Offers a brief history of the camp, event calendar, auto tour of the camp, resource study guide, and activity information. Located in eastern California between Independence and Lone Pine.
Manzanar Ringo-En
Provides a pictorial and textual account of the Japanese's Americans interned at Manzanar during WW II.
Redwood City Remembers
Collection of letters between J. Elmer Morrish and the interned Japanese-Americans who lived in Redwood City. Features historical essay, timeline, map, photographs, letter archive, and video interviews with internees.
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