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California Historical Society
Information about the organization, its exhibits, collections, publications and programs.
Chinese in California, The: 1850-1925
Collection about Chinese immigration includes menus, advertising broadsides, photographs, sketches, business cards, newspaper items, watercolors.
Early History of the California Coast
Features 45 historic sites and properties that illustrate early periods of Coastal California's history. Includes location map, photographs and descriptions of each of the individual historic sites.
Early Truckee Records
Covers late 1860s to the 1920s. Includes property ownership records, cemetery plots, photographs, tax record abstracts for 1868 and 1870, local directories for 1867 to 1883.
Gold Rush
Includes information about how gold was discovered, maps about how miners traveled to California, details about life in mining camps, the legacy of the Gold Rush.
Gold Rush Chronicles
History of the California Gold Rush, including a chronology. Features information about towns, mines and mining camps, people, the Pony Express.
Gold Rush! California's Untold Stories
A virtual tour of the Oakland Museum of California's Gold Rush exhibition with photographs, artifacts, primary documents, audio files (some in Chinese), maps.
Jefferson - The 51st State
In 1941, counties in northern California and southern Oregon joined to form a 49th state. Contains news articles, the "Jefferson Proclamation of Independence," local events and recreation.
Lawrence & Houseworth Albums
Online photographic database includes images of the states of California and Nevada, San Francisco and Sacramento, mining, buildings, landscapes, and Native Americans. From the Society of California Pioneers.
Rose Institute's California Political History Archive
Database covering California's election; redistricting and political history; biographical information on state legislators and constitutional office holders since 1849.
Santa Clara County: Historic Silicon Valley
A itinery of places listed in the National Register of Historic Places that illustrate how this valley developed from a series of small agricultural towns into the center of the technology revolution.
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