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Marxists Internet Archive
Reference archives containing selected works of Marx and Engels, along with a wealth of writings by other famous authors (both Marxist and otherwise), history, philosophies, and Encyclopedia of Marxism. Multilingual.
Earth Charter Initiative, The
Ongoing effort by humans everywhere to structure a charter for all humans based on a synthesis of universal values, principles and aspirations. Information available in many languages.
Earth Rights Institute
A worldwide network promoting democratic rights to common resources and building ecological communities. Offers collection of documents. Available in several languages.
The magazine of Spiritual Ecology concerned about the fate of the planet and offering social theories co-evolving with the best ideas of our time. All issues available online in printer friendly format.
Future of Freedom Foundation
Presents an ongoing moral, philosophical and economic case and supporting material for individual liberty, free markets, private property and limited governmemt. Offers a weekly email update. Site available in Spanish.
New Civilization Network
Network links people who are changing the world with its electronic newsletter, projects, data resources and ties to hundreds of other Web sites, organizations and publications. Invites participation.
World Movement for Democracy
A global network to promote democracy. Serves as an ally, lobby, facilitator, innovator, big tent, resource center, monitor and catalyst. Offers extensive data base and subscription to Democracy News.
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