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Ant Colony Optimization
Includes scientific publications and mailing list archives about ant colony optimization and swarm intelligence. Also offers open source software for related algorithms, routing, and binary quadratic programming. Has book available.
Offers an ant FAQ, news, information about care and setup, illustrations, terminology, and information about several species.
Ant Image Database 2003 - Japanese Ant Database Group
Along with image galleries of ants around the world, includes a wealth of information about myrmecology in world ant database, taxonomy, and guide sections. Offers CD-ROM and book. In Japanese and English.
Ant Web
Offers ant research; taxonomic browser and outlines by subfamilies, genera, and species of Madagascar and California ants; world ant slide show and search, course information, and free booklet.
AntCast: Web-Window on the Life of Ants
View live video or static images of an ant colony as they tend to their fungus farm.
Offers live harvester ants and supplies for sale. Also features ant-related articles, science projects, care tips, FAQs, jokes, and an ant care forum; along with horned lizard and various other natural science topics.
Australian Ants Online
Information includes life cycle, feeding, nests, distribution, collecting, identification, and classification, with taxonomy, identification keys, photographs, drawings, and glossary.
John T. Longino
Specialist in neotropical myrmecology shares studies on ants and other arthropods and biota. Includes comprehensive study on ants in Costa Rica, along with studies on katydids, flies, spiders, mites, dragonflies, bees, and beetles.
Key to Identifying Common Household Ants
An illustrated guide for identifying ant species. Includes basic facts on each species, quick tips for identifying ants, and information on ant biology and life cycle.
By a researcher with a special interest in myrmecology (study of ants), includes ant photographs and links to ant research projects. Also features image galleries of beetles, flies, and other insects.
Information about the scientific study of ants.
Myrms Ant Nest
Features encompassing information about ants, including origin, types, species, colonies, anatomy, nests, diseases, communication, life cycle, diet, defensive mechanisms, ant-keeping, and photography. Includes an ant discussion forum.
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