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Sirian Revelations
Channelings of the Sirians, including information about the Sirian star system.
The messages of Bashar, a multi-dimensional being who speaks through Darryl Anka. Features an archive, and several ways of contacting other people.
Casa de Sirio
Archive of teachings of wise beings of Sirius and other places of the Universe. In Spanish.
College of Christ Consciousness
Messages of Mother Mary through Jeanne Hatch. Includes an archive of lessons, and offers the possibility of asking Mary your own question.
Crimson Circle
The teachings of Tobias, as channeled by Geoffrey Hope. Offers transcripts and audio files of each channeling, Geoffrey´s schedule and the opportunity to buy the Tobias´ books.
Ezrael's Haven
Channelings of interdimensional beings. Messages of Az-Ez-Ra and El-La-Ra through Ezrael, and of Lady Maza.
Four Principles of Creation, The
The channelings of Omni-Emmanuel, through John Payne. Offers an introduction to the four principles, and bibliography for further reading.
Official site of the channelings of Kirael, through Rev. Fred Sterling. Includes the latest messages and information about the books.
Master Morya
General information about Master Morya and his channel. Also features excerpts of the book "A Deeper Sense of Life". Available in English, German and Dutch.
Offers the channelings and teachings of Metatron, as well as spiritual information about science and technology. Has a section dedicated to the Galactron project. Available in Spanish and English.
Michael Teachings
Provides a complete list of Michael channels and resources, book information, and FAQ's. Includes an overleaves chart, a personality profile, how to channel, and a chat room.
Nibiruan Council
Messages of the Nibiruan Council, through Jelaila Starr. Offers ascension tools and other services.
Shaw'ne's Channeled Psychic Readings
Schedule an interdimensional channeled reading, find channeling class information or purchase a newsletter download.
Star Quest
Offers the channelings of Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman. Includes general information about Michael and the blue ray.
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