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8season Knitting
Wholesale bamboo knitting needles, cases, row counters, point protectors and other knitting and crochet supplies at factory prices.
A Good Point
Offers needlework supplies such as kits, waste canvas, needles, scissors and frames. They also provide a newsletter section and a what's new area.
A Good Yarn
Quality yarns including Berroco, Brown Sheep, Colinette, Debbie Bliss, Filatura di Crosa, Great Adirondack, Karabella, Noro, Online, Takhi, plus free knitting images, free patterns, kits, blogs, and links.
A to Z Needlepoint
Online store for needlepoint canvases and threads. Also offers supplies and books.
Kaleidoscope Yarns
Supplier of knitting patterns, books, needles and cotton, worsted wool, blends and nylon knitting yarn from Berroco, Plymouth, Reynolds, Brown Sheep and Mission Falls.
Supplier of yarn, knitting and crocheting supplies, notions and knitting books at discount prices.
Catalog of canvases and accessories and kits through online store. Offers custom finishing services.
Purple Kitty
Cross stitch, crochet, cro-tat, knitting, quilting and plastic canvas patterns from popular companies such as Leisure Arts, as well as yarn, hooks, fabric, thread and other related supplies.
Selma's Yarns & Needleworks
Offers crewel, cross stitch, needlepoint kits, pre-printed tablecloths, and needlework supplies. Includes newsletter, related links, and forum.
Smiling Sheep Needlepoint
Specializing in needlepoint kits that include everything the stitcher needs to create an heirloom piece of tapestry needlepoint: canvas, fiber/threads, needle, and clearly written instructions, even a beginner can follow.
Spin a Yarn
Family owned fiber business with sale pages, yarn closeouts, needlepoint bargains and fiber related items at discount prices. Offers hundreds kits for needlepoint and latchhook, and knit designs.
Yankee Stitchery
Needlework kits for every level of experience. Scissors, threads, and fabrics for original designs and patterns.
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