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Radar Busters
Radar detectors and jammers reviewed by a retired cop and certified traffic radar instructor. Provides product information, test results, and buyer's guide.
Radar detectors, laser detectors, photo radar equipment, all tested and reviewed by John Turner, countermeasures expert. Radar detector reviews, videos, and installation manuals.
Delonix Radar
Australian distributor of automotive products from Beltronics, Valentine, Blinder, Escort and Veil. Radar detectors, HID Xenon kits plus more, all backed by product tests and video reviews.
Radar Jammer Myths
See why Radar Roy will pay you $5000.00 for a working radar jammer. Counters claims made by manufacturers and includes recommendations for radar detectors.
Radar Rob's Rocky Mountain Radar Scramblers
Selling radar detectors and scramblers. Includes information about the products, FAQ, and guarantee.
Speed Radar Detectors
Offers a range of laser, speed camera and radar detectors for use in the UK.
Valentine One
Online merchant selling radar detectors to all of the European Union; especially in France, Belgium and Switzerland. In French.
Anti-laser stealth coating designed to reduce the ability of laser guns to determine vehicle speed. Includes product information and how police lasers work.
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