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Guaranteed review within the next 15 business days. (One Time Fee - $39.99)
Online book rental service for students throughout the U.S. Offers books, textbooks, and bestsellers with flexible rental periods and options to buy.
Buy Used Textbooks
College community-based Web site whose culture is created by students, for students, teachers, and colleges to buy and sell used textbooks.
Offers pricing comparison on new and used textbooks as well as the ability to search campus listings.
Offer new and used college textbooks to rent. Over 2 million titles to choose from.
Eason School Books
Stocks the latest school book, past exam papers and great stationary deals. Free delivery on all orders anywhere in Ireland.
TextBook Rush
Offers an affordable textbook rental option for college students.
Textbooks Now
Shop for new and used college textbooks and sell your textbooks.
Sells discounted used and new textbooks and eTextbooks for college students. Also offers textbook rental and buys used textbooks for cash.
Marketplace where students can buy, sell, and trade textbooks.
Buy and sell textbooks online or at store locations in Buffalo and Fredonia, NY.
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