4DMV.com Privately-owned resource of DMV info, providing users with the ability to purchase DMV driving records online, as well as peruse relocation resources and simplified government-related services.
4Law.net Legal information portal for consumers with topics ranging from bankruptcy to adoption law. Includes news and free, printable legal forms.
ABA LawInfo.org Resources for consumers, divided into eight sections: family, home, job, finances, buying and selling, criminal justice, and finding a lawyer. Resources include ABA handbooks, glossaries, documents.
CanadaLegal.com Searachable database of Canadian legal information. Also search for a Canadian lawyer by area.
Lawguru.com Offers free answers and legal advice to legal questions from a network of attorneys. Also has law library, legal employment and jobs details, legal forms and law articles.
LegalAdvice.com Receive free answers to online legal questions from licensed attorney professionals. Also includes a lawyer directory, attorney ratings and reviews, a legal dictionary, a blog and more.
Tax Law Problems A guide supported by a professional law firm Fried & Rosefelt, LLC. It is geared towards helping people with IRS tax problems and issues.