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School internet filters, content filtering, and web lesson tools.
Chat Danger
Safety guide for parents, teachers, children, and teens. Game helps show that people aren't always who and what they say they are.
ContentWatch, Inc.
Provides a suite of Internet protection tools designed to provide a more comprehensive, safe Internet experience for businesses and families alike.
Cyber Patrol
Parental control software allowing parents to choose when and how kids use the Internet. Includes product reviews, safety tips and links to child safety resources.
Family Friendly Sites
Offers a directory of sites that are safe for children to visit. Includes guidelines for inclusion, resources for parents, and a form for reporting violations.
Family Online Safety Institute
Offers information about the independent organization dedicated to protect children from harmful Web sites and also to protect free speech on the Net.
Family Safe Surfing
Offers carefully reviewed Web sites that the whole family can use. Includes links to parenting resources, family activity sites, and evaluations of parental control software.
Provides online safety solutions and parental controls that keep your family and business safe online.
Kidz Privacy
Sections for kids, adults, and teachers covering Internet privacy laws protecting children. Includes a list of related resources. Presented by the FTC.
Net Nanny
Offers software tools that help parents protect children who go online. Products are designed to support parental supervision while respecting personal values and beliefs.
PC Tattletale
Offers parental controls & internet monitoring software for parents monitors teen chat rooms, instant messages, web sites, email and more.
RedFlag App
Free Facebook parental control app uses proprietary algorithms to continuously scan a child’s database of friends for potentially risky or inappropriate profiles and alert parents.
Teen Chat Decoder
Teen chat room acronym monitor software helps parents understand and decode the teen lingo common in the instant messages and teen chat rooms.
Wise Kids
Promotion of positive and safe Internet use. Provides safety tips, links to child friendly sites, statistics and resources for parents and educators.
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