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Guaranteed review within the next 15 business days. (One Time Fee - $39.99)

Free email filtering application for POP3 email programs that learns to identify spam the more it is used. Provides description and explanations, advanced training, FAQs, and development history.
Mail Frontier
Anti-spam software and junk e-mail fighting client for Windows. Product overview, company profile, and support.
Provides email and web security serivces for all size business. Hosted services include: email anti-spam and antivirus filter, web filtering service, email encryption and archiving.
Spam Bouncer
Provides information and download of a procmail program that filters and bounces unsolicited email before it reaches the users mailbox.
Spam Buster
An email filtering program with a large database of tell-tale signs of spam for POP3 email clients. Free download version has a small ad, registered version removes the ad.
Spam Eater Pro
Email filtering utility for Windows 95/98,ME, NT 4.0,and 2000. Offers advanced filtering of unlimited POP3 mail clients, a freeware version, and features auto-settings.
Spam Killer
PC magazines Editors' Choice for email filtering. Easy to use interface, filters multiple accounts, and displays a flashing red cross when spam is present.
Trend Micro: InterScan Messaging Hosted Security
Top-rated hosted anti-spam solution stops spam, viruses, spyware, phishing and other email threats before they reach your network, helping you reclaim IT budget and staff time, and end-user productivity.
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