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Lodging resource for North America, featuring hotels in Canada, the California coast and the Oregon coastline.
Central Reservation Service
CRS offers a booking service for hotels worldwide. Find deals for New York, Miami, Boston, Chicago, Orlando, Washington DC, and San Francisco hotels.
Kansas City Hotel Deals
One stop for great hotel deals in Kansas City. Select from their 6 brands to fit any budget.
Mexico vacation travel guide and booking services on hotels and resorts, tours, maps and transfers. Also up to date deals and Mexico vacation packages.
Travel Book
Budget accommodations in New York, Boston, Las Vegas, Chicago, Washington DC, and hotels in cities worldwide. Make your reservation early and save.
Travel In BC
Online booking for hotels and destination resorts in Vancouver, Whistler, Victoria, Vancouver Island and the interior British Columbia, Canada.
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Accommodation vacation packages throughout the US, Canada, and Caribbean for major hotels and resorts. Choose your price range and destination to find matching accommodations.
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