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PC World
Features the latest tech news, editorially reviewed top downloads, product reviews and guides, site reviews, and how tos.
News, analysis, and product reviews about IT and business strategies. Features include career and salary features, technology benchmarking, research, and technology events.
Inquirer, The
Includes news and information on the latest software, hardware, and Internet news topics.
The German IT magazine features the latest news and analysis about broadband internet and DSL, mobile, VoIP, web hosting, and computer technology - supported by a large community.
Web resources, articles, tutorials, database programming lessons, and forums on how to build, promote, and profit an online business.
Speckyboy Design Magazine
Resources and tutorials for Web designers and developers including Ajax, JavaScript, CSS, Photoshop, and Fireworks.
Topics include search engine optimization, e-commerce tactics, enterprise computing, Internet marketing trends, newsletter industry news and java programming tips.
Website Magazine
Offers information about online business trends, industry insights and best practices. Offers free print magazine subscription from their site.
Windows Daily News
Learn tips and tricks for customizing your Windows OS and stay on top of the latest Windows news.
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