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Black Press, The: Soldiers without Swords
Covers the history of black journalism in the US with information on notable newspapers and journalists, bibliography, and a timeline. Companion site to a film from PBS.
Resources for business and financial journalists, including examples of business writing, commentary, issue briefs, international stock market data, blogs, descriptions of free seminars and online workshops for journalists, company research material.
CONUS Communications
A pioneer in satellite news gathering services and a multi-disciplined player in global communications delivering news coverage, satellite transmission services, and video production.
Cyber Journalist.Net
Covers a variety of issues and stories about Internet journalism. CyberJournalist SuperSearch includes general and reference source searching; topical sites; reporter's sites; aids for searching personal names, businesses, and telephone numbers; E-mail.
The Project for Excellence in Journalism is a research organization that specializes in evaluating and studying the performance of the news media. Contains analysis, data sets, and studies.
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