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Cedar Eden Environmental, LLC
Specialists in GIS, lake and watershed management, and environmental design. Includes exploration of environmental subjects, slide show introduction to GIS, and imagery including panoramas, 3Ds, cam images, and live cam.
EMSL Analytical, Inc.
Information on environmental testing firm. Company infrastructure, services, qualifications, product purchasing, general information and resources like downloadable forms and sampling guides. Features LABConnect(tm), a 24-hour reporting service.
Integrated Environments Ltd.
Provides strategic environmental and social planning and management services with extensive South American and Canadian experience. Headquarters Calgary, Canada.
Restoration Systems
An environmental mitigation and stream and wetland restoration company with 31 working mitigation sites in North Carolina, Tennessee, Maryland and Virginia.
RM Oil Services
Providing equipment and chemicals for produced water treatment and the removal of dissolved and emulsified oil for the onshore or offshore production and exploration industries. Categories pertaining to treatments and case studies are included.
Awareness Ideas
Energy conservation, recycling and safety promotional marketing materials, like posters, decals, handouts, awards, and displays.
Boom Environmental Products
Producer of geotextiles, award winning absorbents, geogrids, turbidity curtains, spill control products, erosion control blankets, pond liners, landscape fabrics and specialty items. GSA information and pricing available.
Diemme Filtration
Diemme manufactures a wide range of filter presses according to customers requirements. These filter presses can be overhead or side beam.
Ecolo-Tech Inc.
Provides dust collection and air purification equipment. They also fabricate custom hoods and ductwork to remove dirty air. Based in Madison Heights, MI, also serves customers throughout Michigan, Indiana and Ohio.
Enviro-Equipment, Inc.
EEI, a woman-owned small business manufactures, rents, and repairs environmental monitoring and remediation equipment used by environmental consultants and industrial hygienists for noise monitoring and water quality testing.
Environmental Equipment and Supply
A full supplier of gas and air quality detectors and analyzers.
Environmental Training
Offers continuing education on solid wastes, hazardous materials, BOD5 and waste water testing.
Five Rivers Environmental Contracting
Enviornmental contractors and consultant specialists, dedicated to nature conservation, habitat creation, restoration and management projects throughout the UK.
Freytech Inc.
Provides oil water separator systems that is cutting edge technology for removing oil from water and treating waste water.
Mitigation Connection
Wetland and stream mitigation in throughout the Southeast- Georgia, South Carlina, North Carolina and Florida.
Natural Environmental Systems
Specializes in mold inspection and mold assessment in homes, offices buildings, schools, libraries, hospitals and other facilities.
Pesticide Action Network
Reports, articles, links, and other resources. Projects and campaigns to reduce the use of hazardous pesticides.
Rotondo Environmental Solutions
Stormwater management solutions with information about precast concrete stormwater management systems including sandfilters, stormwater detention structures, oil/water separators.
SMI Evaporative Solutions
Provides complete wastewater solutions, from initial site analysis to remote centralized computer control systems. Specialize in durable industrial mechanical evaporators designed for a range of environments.
TERS Environmental Restoration Solutions
Help for problems with toxic mold and indoor air quality in NY, NJ, and CT. Remediation experts providing restoration services after fire and water damage for electronics, art, and more.
Vacuum Trucks of Canada
Supplies Hydro-Vacs, Industrial Vacs, Sewer Flushers, TDG Trucks, and more. There are purchase, rental, and rent-to-own options available.
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