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Computer Patent Annuities (CPA)
Offers a range of trade marking and patenting services, including trademark renewals and patent analytics.
Copyright Clearance Center
Provider of copyright licensing and compliance solutions for the information content industry. Get reuse permission for millions of works.
Claudia Pollak Law: Trademarks and Service Marks
Senior White Plains employment lawyer specializing in breach of employment contract, employment discrimination disputes and advising nonprofit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations.
Copyright Information Center
Part of the Cornell University. Offers information on copyright policy, clearance services, and training and tutorials.
Online bulletin board where inventors can connect with companies, entrepreneurs, and service providers.
Innovation Asset Group
Offers Decipher, intellectual property asset management software for all phases of IP, innovation, license and contract diligence.
Invent-Tech: Inventor Assistance
Helps overcome the hassles and headaches faced by independent inventors trying to license and patent their invention or new product idea. Provides information about services and tradeshows.
Offering invention submission and patent services for inventors interested in attempting to submit your idea to industry. Includes information about services and a browsable list of inventions.
Focuses on intellectual property law, including Internet, copyright and trade secrets. Features free access to news, articles and links to IP resources and offers subscriptions to "Intellectual Property Notes".
Thomson Delphion
Access to patent data from offices worldwide. News, events, company history, research, and services.
United States Copyright Office
Furnishes copyright information including records search, publications, licensing, registration, recording, and laws. Includes links to related information and services.
World Intellectual Property Organization
Information about the organization, specific areas of intellectual property, news, resources.
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