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Center for Voting and Democracy
Includes information on instant runoff voting (IRV), proportional representation (PR), campaign finance, redistricting, third parties, voter turnout, women and representation, race and representation, pending legislation, ballot measures, and voting right
Electoral Reform Society
Campaigns for proportional representation and the Single Transferable Vote system in parliaments, assemblies and councils. Based in the UK, but information is applicable to other countries and to non-governmental bodies.
Follow the Money
Analyzes campaign contribution filings from more than 40 states, some dating back to 1996. Includes reports on contributions by gambling interests and private prison companies, state political party fundraising.
Analyzes campaign finance filings by political party, zip code, state, individual donor, industry. Profiles of state representatives, of political parties and their committees, and of top individual donors.
Open Source Digital Voting (OSDV) Foundation
Fundamentaly reinventing digital voting technology through the community-based development of free technical guidelines and specifications for determining truly high-assurance, high veracity voting devices.
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