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America remembers 9/11/2001. Patriotic images, songs, links, tell the children, and comments.
Looking for Answers
"Frontline" program from PBS investigates the roots of the Islamic terrorist network and the anti-American hatred that feeds it. Includes readings, interviews, analysis.
Pakistan Facts
A collection of articles and essays outlining the case for declaring Pakistan a rogue state. Focuses on terrorism and nuclear proliferation.
Target America
Explores America's war on terrorism. Includes a timeline covering attacks on Americans from 1979 to 1988,interviews with officials and an overview of the evolution of Islamic terrorism, starting from 1968.
Terrorism Knowledge Database
Research and analysis on global terrorist incidents, terrorism-related court cases, and terrorist groups and leaders. Includes interactive maps and biographies on key terrorist personalities.
Terrorism: Questions & Answers
Definition of terrorism, Afghanistan, homeland security, weapons of mass destruction, and terrorist groups.
This is Baader-Meinhof
Complete overview of post-war West Germany's Red Army Faction terrorism between 1968 and 1977. Timeline, explanation of terms and biographies.
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