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Beast of Loch Ness
Companion to PBS Nova film. Features an overview of legendary creatures, the birth and development of the legend of the Loch Ness monster, text and audio of eyewitness accounts, and a description of sonar techniques.
Bigfoot Encounters
Offers information and speculation on Sasquatch biology. Also includes news, sightings, stories, newspaper and magazine clippings, videos, and interviews.
Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization
Scientific organization probing the Bigfoot and Sasquatch mystery. Sightings database, reports, articles, media, and resources.
Cult Vampire Magazine
BBC Cult Televison site. Read or listen to new and classic stories. Also including a glossary, famous vampires and movies, a quiz, interviews, ebooks, and a gallery.
Fantastic in Art and Fiction, The
Catalog of images that live in nightmares and darkest fears. Angels and demons, danse macabre, weird science, bestiary, the marvelous, the grotesque, possession and insanity, fantastic space, and freaks, monsters, and prodigies.
Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization
Features a bigfoot sighting database organized by state and county. Also details on the organization, pictures, and general information on bigfoot.
Legend of Nessie
Official site offers facts, pictures, sightings, stories, sonar evidence, and related links.
Oregon Bigfoot
Includes news reports and sighting database for Orgeon bigfoot encounters. Also has audio clips, pictures, and answers to frequently asked questions.
Research in Cryptozoology
Librarian created guide has a introduction to library and web resources relating to cryptozoology. Includes links to Web resources.
Searching for Bigfoot Inc.
Uncovering the truth behind Bigfoot. Also offering international stories and info about expeditions.
Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy
Gives details on this organization including membership, upcoming events, and newsletter. Also has information on Bigfoot sightings in Texas, photographs, and sketches.
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