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Hindu Kids Universe
Guide for kids about Hindu customs, festivals, prayers and culture through pictorial descriptions. Also features stories, games, quiz on epics, songs and bhajans.
About Hinduism
Explore various aspects of Hinduism. Find recent feature articles, live chat and forums.
Bhagvad Gita
India's spiritual wisdom spoken by Lord Krishna. Describes consciousness, self, universe and the supreme. Also featured 18 chapters of Gita and translated wisdom.
Devi: The Great Goddess
Overview of the Indian mother goddess Devi. Also includes a For Kids section and resources for further study. From the Sackler Gallery and Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution.
Dharma Central
Contains articles on meditation, spirituality and self-realization. Also includes Pooja schedules.
Eshwar Bhakti
Offers Hindu puja services booking, homam and yagnas by vedic pundits from India. They specialize in individual pooja and yajnas.
Hindu wallpapers, mantra, chalisa information. Includes links to online temple sites.
Hindu portal with information on dharma, online texts and scriptures, listing of temples around the world, newsgroup archives, information on Hindu culture, and an events calendar.
Pooja Mandir
Manufacturer and exporter of wooden home temples for home Pooja in different sizes and designs with fine carving and color wood inlay work with water proof polish.
Sri Guru Gita
A comprehensive resource on the Sri Guru Gita, a text from the skanda purana. Featuring: audio, video, translations, texts and lyrics.
Includes an a geographic listing of temples in India, information on temple architecture, highlights of festivals and fairs, information on the beliefs and legends associated with the temples, a glossary of temple terms.
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