American Institute of Physics Information about the society and its members, press releases, images, journals, employment opportunities, and physics history.
Nanotechnology UK Delivers the world’s most versatile and proven multi-parameter nanoparticle analysis in a single instrument.
Physics Forums Scientific physics and math forums for professionals and students to discuss serious issues and topics regarding physics in theory, practice, study and reality. Students can also find help for homework and career perspectives.
PhysLink Provides physics news, essays, reference, new theories, images, humor, and a newsletter.
Fear of Physics Covers standard topics like relativity and acceleration, and less common and more intriguing topics. Text explains the physics, while animations show you what happens when you alter the parameters.
Physics Central Features include news, a writer's gallery of recent physicists' essays and a question and answer service about how things work. "People in Physics" highlights the careers of interesting scientists.
Physics for Free "Essential Physics 1" and "Introduction to Groups, Invarients, and Particles" by Emeritus Professor Frank Firk. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. Guide to physics sites and an animated education section on physics in everyday life.
PhysicsWeb Provides news on physics-related events from across the world. Also provides physics-related job listings, product listings and company links.