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Census Scope
Presents census information in several ways: charts, maps, rankings, segregation. Includes data for states, metro areas, counties; multiracial and population growth rankings.
Communication Studies
A resource and database for students and professionals in the field of communication studies with lectures, theories, journals, colleges, and news related to the field.
Human Intelligence
Biographical profiles of people who have influenced the development of intelligence theory and testing. Includes time period index, articles and the theory of multiple intelligences.
International Economic Development Council
Association serving economic and community development professionals. Conferences, courses, certification, advisory services, resources, and publications.
Intute: Social Sciences
Annotated catalogue of hundreds of high quality Internet resources relevant to social science education and research.
Non-escalating Verbal Self-Defense
Database of real world insults & comebacks, to teach kids emotional intelligence and street smarts.
Neural Theory of Language. Research project on the human mind as how it conceptualizes language and learning. Includes projects list, publications, and news.
Information system of the Sociological Institute of the University of Amsterdam. Resources, data archives, and links. In Dutch and English.
Web Center for Social Research Methods
Offers links to applied social research and evaluation resource centers, papers, research projects, and tutorials.
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