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Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature
Information on naming the physical features of planets. The site provides a history of the activity and details how names are approved.
Locate and find information with these online tools for almost every deepsky object in the universe
Nine Planets, The
Overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of each of the planets and moons in our solar system with text, images, sounds, movies, references to additional related information.
Planet Quest
Tracks the search for new planets. Information about the science of planetary discovery, possible habitable planets, instruments, and missions.
Planets of the Solar System
General reference for the planets in the solar system, including images, 3D interactive model, facts, figures, data, and up-to-date solar system news.
Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Views of the northern sky, created by this project to make a map of the entire universe. Also galaxies, spirals, clumps, clusters, interactions, and artifacts.
Solar and Astrophysics Lab
Information on the solar cycles, magnetic properties, current programs and projects including numerical simulations of solar and stellar convection, sun's corona, ultraviolet imaging telescope, and solar x-ray imaging.
Solar System Exploration
Information on the planets, the sun and moon, asteroids, comets, meteoroids, Kuiper Belt Objects, and space missions. A timeline history of space flight. The Education and Public Outreach Forum includes pages for educators,
Solar System Simulator
Computer simulated pictures of the solar system from multiple viewpoints. Includes surface maps of the planets, solar artwork, FAQ's, and image usage information.
Space Weather Prediction Center
Studies and forecasts space weather conditions and its effect on Earth. Includes online data, education, projects, and services. Includes real time solar wind activity.
Explains what the solar cycle is, how sunspots affect conditions on earth, tracks the history of sunspot discoveries, and plots sunspot activity for the day you were born.
Traditions of the Sun
Informaton about the sun and its importance to ancestral Native Americans in New Mexico and the ancient Maya in the Yucatan.
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