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Prehistoric Life
BBC Web site with interactive multimedia features on evolution and the animal kingdom. Includes video and audio clips of prehistoric creatures, interactive evolution games, downloadable lessons plans and worksheets.
Becoming Human
Includes information about archeaologists, their discoveries, a glossary, and related links.
Cosmic Evolution
A study about the varied changes in the assembly and composition of energy, matter, and life in the universe.
Defender's Guide to Science and Creationism
Evolutionist responses to specific creationist arguments.
From the PBS television series. Includes a number of multimedia elements, film clips and interactive displays, teachers' resources, glossary.
Hominid Evolution
Timeline from the Huntarian Museum and Art Gallery at the University of Glasgow links to many major fossil discoveries of human and pre-human history.
Human Evolution
Presents 3-dimensional views of modern primate relatives and fossil ancestors of humans.
Human Origins and Evolution in Africa
Links and resources presented by the Anthropology Department at Indiana University, Bloomington.
Intelligent Design Network
Promotes alternatives to evolutionary theory in teaching in classrooms. Includes lesson plans and products for sale.
Teaching Evolution and the Nature of Science
Online tutorial with lesson plans, activities, resource materials and legal information.
Understanding Evolution
Includes illustrated essays on the nature of science, basics of the theory, evidence, relevance, misconceptions, and the history of evolutionary thought.
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