Ocean Color Web Includes several multimedia projects studying primarily the oceans and its depths, such as giant squid, Titanic, and Ben Franklin submersible, and also some atmospheric and earth surface studies.
OceanLink Includes ocean info, ask a marine scientist, career info, world records, and ocean news.
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution Take a tour of the aquaculture lab, the inside of a data buoy, or a harbor mouth. Offers information about careers, research vessels, and news.
Marine Realms Information Bank Provides to scientific information about the oceans and the adjacent parts of the atmosphere and solid earth; the people, techniques, and organizations involved in marine science.
NASA Oceanography Offers information about ocean observing satellite missions. Includes image galleries, educational resources, and related links.
NOAA's National Ocean Service News, reports, educational materials, and maps including nautical charts, hydrographic and coastal surveys, and historical maps and charts.
Ocean Oasis Companion site to the IMAX film about Mexico's Sea of Cortes and the Baja California desert. Provides pictures and information about native species.
Ocean World Information about many aspects of oceanography: fisheries, coral reefs, currents, El Niño, icebergs, weather, waves.
Office of Naval Research Presented by the Department of the Navy. Provides information about habitats, sea life, ocean water, regions, and research vessels.
UN Atlas of the Oceans Encyclopedia of data on human uses of the ocean and environmental issues. Includes a glossary and images.