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Searchable site provides conservation news, species profiles, related links, and an education section for teachers and students.
American Ornithologists' Union
Contains information about membership, upcoming meetings, awards, a variety of publications. Offers access to a checklist for birds of North America; preliminary classification of the bird species of South America.
Birdlife International
Provides news; information; data about bird species and important bird areas throughout the world; case studies; and reports.
Canadian Peregrine Foundation
Information about peregrine biology, photos, nest site reports, news, Web cams, and sponsorship information.
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Features a bird guide with photos, songs and calls; range maps; information on reproduction, behavior, habitat; instructions for identifying birds; where to go birding; and how to report observations.
Illustrations in the first edition of "The Birds of America" (1827-1838), a brief biography of Audubon. Available in French and English.
International Crane Foundation
Provides information about the organization, photos, range maps, and information about all 15 types of crane.
Kiwi Recovery
Includes biological and ecological information about the bird, including its life cycle and threats to its survival.
New Zealand Birds
Includes information about various species, drawings and illustrations, checklists, Maori myths, a list of collective nouns for birds, sites for bird watching in New Zealand.
New Zealand Penguins
Provides natural history information for seven penguin species; lists locations for viewing both wild and captive penguins around the world; details penguin threats and conservation.
Operation Migration
Nonprofit organization that shows birds safe migratory routes. Includes photo and field journals and video clips of their work with Canada geese, Sandhill cranes, and whooping cranes.
Field guide for many species of owls with profiles that include range maps, and information about feeding habits, breeding, life span, habitat, measurements, and more. Includes photos, sound files, field notes, video clips.
Peregrine Fund
Organization dedicated to saving the peregrine falcon from extinction. Includes news, information about the organization, projects.
Raptor Center
International medical facility for birds of prey, whose mission is to preserve biological diversity among raptors and other avian species through medical treatment, scientific investigation, education, and management of wild populations.
Santa Cruz Predatory Bird Research Group
Contains information on the basic biology and behavior of birds of prey. Includes photographs, and fact sheets on the peregrine falcon, bald eagle, golden eagle, and prairie falcon.
Sibley Guides
Interactive field guide based on the field and behavior books by David Sibley.
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