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All About Water
Includes a discussion of several of the most common water treatment alternatives, focusing specifically on water filters. Provides a glossary and links to resources.
Offers mobile seawater desalination units and other eco-friendly desalination equipments to worldwide.
Center for Limnology
Includes ongoing research on lake ecology, bioenergetics, online system for identifying Wisconsin fishes, events calendar. From the University of Wisconsin.
Drought Resources and Information
Information related to water conservation and quality in agriculture and urban settings, including including landscape irrigation, agricultural water uses, home water conservation, drought and weather monitoring.
Green Turtle Technologies
Provides pretreatment solutions for point source waste water for commercial and industrial markets.
History of Water Filters
Provides an overview of past and present water treatment issues and alternatives. Includes information about the safety of drinking water.
Incident News
News, images, and reports on oil spills and other incidents, provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Office of Response and Restoration. Includes database of incidents, maps, glossary.
Koenders Windmills
Manufactures and distributes windmills dedicated to pond aeration. Features a product and accessory description, information on algae and pond weeds and a dealer locator.
Detects, measures and monitors oil sheen on water. Involved in the manufacture of membranes and related equipment for the purification, treatment and analysis of water and wastewater.
M.W. Watermark
Premier supplier of water and wastewater equipment, parts and services. Located in Holland Michigan, they strive to provide smart, quality solutions for all of your water needs.
National Estuary Program
Information about estuaries, the program, challenges to the environment and news. Program profiles and list of estuaries in the program. Newsletter. Available in English and Spanish.
Bringing you tips, tricks, information, and research on the measurement, conditioning, and control of the flow of water in open channels – topics include flumes, weirs, manhole structure, terminology, and more.
Outdoor Water Solutions
Selling windmills for pond aeration. Includes resource guide with pond care articles.
PHOENIX Process Equipment Co.
PHOENIX provides water processes such as dewatering, classification, thickening, treatment and recycling.
Richard Hourigan, Inc.
Water test kits, chemicals, equipment, technical literature, professional advice, and an online store with an affiliate program.
River Corridor and Wetland Restoration
Contains data relating to the protection and restoration of watersheds and wetlands, links to other federal and state documents and information, and several directories of aquatic habitat renewal projects.
US Water News
Monthly publication with news coverage of water supply and quality, legislation, water rights, conservation, and the global waterfront. Includes buyer's guides for a wide variety of water products are given with links to online
Water and Wastewater.Com
Journal for the water treatment professional with newsletter, directory and very active help forum for input from experts, for discussion and exchange of ideas.
Water Resources Center Archives
Includes published and archival materials emphasizing freshwater quality, supply, and development, wastewater treatment, wetlands and estuaries, climate, and coastal zone management. Photos are available for viewing online.
Waterboyz International, LLC
Provides a patented horizontal well system, specializing in groundwater capture. Some applications include desalination, storm water management and golf course water supply.
Watershed Information Network
Annotated directory of information important for watershed protection and restoration. Topics include acid rain, air quality, birds, coasts, drinking water, endangered species, erosion, floods, lakes, law and legislation.
Describes what watersheds are, how they are affected by land use activities, and what citizens can do to help protect them. Additional links are available that provide more information about specific topics.
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