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Fact Monster
Includes news, US, word wise, people, math, science, sports, games, and a homework center.
Offers free lessons in a variety of middle and high school subjects. Also includes test prep help and study skills tips.
Homework Spot
Includes sections for elementary, middle, and high school students. Also has parent and teacher resources and a reference section.
Albert Einstein
Science tutoring through interactive games. Prepare for the NSW School Certificate Science and HSC Chemistry exams. Download a UAI calculator and access your HSC results.
BBC: Schools Online
Learning resources for preschoolers, ages 4 - 11,11 - 16,and 16+. Some sections require Flash and Shockwave.
Best Term Paper
Provides a wide variety of writing services: term paper and research paper writing, essays, application papers, dissertations and coursework writing.
Big IQ Kids
Use your spelling words or theirs with daily games, lessons and quizzes. Learn your math facts to mastery.
Includes sections for teachers, students, librarians, and parents. Offers homework help, research resources, and lesson plans.
Includes sections for geography, math, reading, and art. Create your own stories with the stickerbook or play games. Requires Shockwave and Flash.
Jiskha Homework Help
Helpful information by subject, tips, news for kids, and related links.
Kid Info
Organized into twelve subject areas: American history, art, computers, current events, foreign languages, geography and social studies, health, English language skills, mathematics, music, sciences, world history. Includes reference resources.
Online service to help students with Algebra 2 and other math related problems.
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