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Guaranteed review within the next 15 business days. (One Time Fee - $39.99)
Offers sections for teachers, students, and parents. Includes activities, worksheets, and games to help children learn the times tables.
A+ Math
Offers flash card maker, worksheets, homework helper, and math games.
Algebra Homework Help
Offers interactive tools for learning algebra, homework help, word problems, forum and shopping for books, toys and software.
Featuring links to several of their sister sites, CoolMath has many resources to help out parent, teachers, and students.
Figure This
Math challenges for middle school children and their families. Each contains a description of math involved, how math is used in the real world, hints on getting started, fun facts. Available in English and Spanish.
Hooda Math
Offers math games, math worksheets, math tutorials, and math movies for kids.
Game which helps students practice and hone their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills.
Math Goodies
Math resources for students and teachers. Interactive math lessons, calculators, homework help, puzzles and a newsletter.
Math Guide
Includes puzzles, projects, and lessons. Offers separate sections for parents, students, and teachers.
Math K-Plus
Kids kindergarten through fourth grade learn problem solving skills by math practice: Addition, Subtraction, Division, and Multiplication.
Searchable site with math reference tables and links to related resources.
Maths Dictionary for Kids
Contains entries arranged alphabetically explaining key math terms and concepts in a simple, straightforward manner. Besides giving definitions, each topic has an interactive activity that demonstrates its use and significance.
Online Chart Tool
Online chart and graph builder. Charts include: bar, pie, line, xy, radar, meter, plot, xy, area and bubble. In English and Dutch.
Quick Math
Automatically solves problems in algebra and calculus, solve an equation or inequalities, make graphs, get percentages, or get commands for the arithmetic manipulation of matrices.
S.O.S. Mathematics
Includes information about algebra, trigonometry, calculus, differential equations, and more.
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