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Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee
Information about the contest, pronunciation audio clips, rules, and local competion details.
Offers high school debaters a chance to trade evidence online, as well as research, obtain free evidence, and chat with other debators online.
Knowledge Master Open
National and international competitions. Teams receive a computer disk and answer questions at their own school. Provides rules, sample questions, and entry information.
Mandelbrot Competition
United States educational math contest for high school students. Offering an introduction to the contest, registration, resources, information, and a scorecenter.
Math League
Specializes in math contests, books, and computer software designed to stimulate interest and confidence in mathematics for students from the 4th grade through high school. Order/register for contests online.
National Science Bowl
Academic competition among teams of high school students who answer questions on scientific topics in astronomy, biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, earth, computer and general science. Sponsored by the Department of Energy.
Siemens Foundation
National Science competition for high school research projects. Over $1 million dollar in scholarships and prizes
US Academic Decathalon
Provides information about this scholastic team competition.
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