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All Kinds of Minds
Includes information about the organization's theories and approach, research, member services, excerpts from Dr. Levine's books, articles, activities, case studies, audio and video clips, a glossary, and online resources.
Assistive Technology Training Online Project
ATTO offers tutorials on how to properly set up and use certain types of AT products.
LD OnLine
Specializing in resources for parents, teachers, and other professionals of children with learning disabilities.
Misunderstood Minds
Examines several learning problems and disabilities by following five families who try, together with experts, to solve the mysteries of their children's learning difficulties. From the PBS documentary.
Designed for parents of children with learning differences (LD)with practical aids to identify and manage their child’ s education. Some information available in Spanish.
Special education law and advocacy resources for parents, advocates, educators, of children with disabilities.
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