Air China Company information, flights and tickets, schedule and realtime flight status, milelage, e-bookings.
In English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
Cathay Pacific Based in Hong Kong. Reservations, frequent flyer programs, online fares, flight schedules, fleet, and arrivals and departures.
Cathay Pacific USA Provides information about their daily airline service from Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York to Hong Kong and Asia. Includes travel planner, flight schedules, and online booking.
EVA Air Special fares, flight status, cargo services information, and news of the international airline based in Taiwan. Features travel planning tools such as online reservation, check-in, and seat selection.
Hong Kong Airlines Ltd. An internationally-acclaimed carrier with the network covering 30 cities across the Asia Pacific region.
Japan Airlines Contains links to the regional sites of Japan Airlines, which allow you to book your flights and view the flight schedules. Japan travel information is also included on this site.
Korean Air International airline of Korea. Online ticket reservations, flight schedules, route map, frequent flyer program information and an interactive destination map with information on each city.
Malaysia Airlines Flight schedule, online reservation and check-in, special offers, business services, loyalty program, and detailed knowledge base on traveling with the airline. Information available in English, Bahasa Melayu, and Simplified Chinese.
Singapore Airlines Passenger and cargo carrier flying from Changi Airport. Fleet info, KrisFlyer frequent flyer program, services, bookings, schedules, news, and promotions.
VietnamAirline.Travel Allows travelers to easily book their international and domestic Vietnam flights online.