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National Education Association
NEA has members in every level of education, from pre-school to university graduate programs with affiliates in every state. Includes educational policy and issue information for teachers, students, and parents.
Alabama Education Association
Includes information on membership, governance, and education issues for this Alabama teachers association. Also features news, calendar, and Web links.
Arizona Education Association
Provides details about this educators organization including membership, activities, and legislative agenda. Also has members only area, teaching resources, and Web links.
Arkansas Education Association
Offers information on the organization including membership, activities, and governance. Also has news and details on legislative lobbying efforts.
Connecticut Education Association
Details on this educational association including activities, member benefits, and calendar. Also lists job openings, educational resources, and legislative agenda.
Education Minnesota
Details on this NEA related organization including calendar, member benefits, and news. Also has information on school law, contract negotations, and member only sections.
Idaho Education Association
Offers information on this group including directory, calendar, and mission statement. Also has education resources, teaching tips, and links to the Web.
Illinois Education Association
Offers sections for both members and non-members. Includes education news, organization history, and mission statement.
Indiana State Teachers Association
Provides a calendar, directory, and list of awards offered by this education association. Includes news, school district information, and ideas for school improvement.
Michigan Education Association
Gives information on the association including history, leadership, budget, and governance. Also has publications and advice on organizing and bargaining.
Missouri National Education Association
Features information on this teaching association including membership, news, and legislative agenda. Also has sections on teaching and learning as well as publications.
National Association of Biology Teachers
Contains sections for membership, news and events, conferences and workshops, publications, educational resources, index of annotated online resources organized into categories.
Tennessee Education Association
Information on this teacher association in Tennessee. Includes sections for members, parents, and teachers.
Virginia Education Association
Details on this organization for teachers and support personnel in Virginia. Includes information on membership, upcoming events, publications, and Web links.
West Virginia Education Association
Provides information on this teacher association in West Virginia including how to join, member benefits, and a FAQ list. Also has job bank, legal resources, and news.
Wisconsin Education Association Council
Information on this education organization including membership, calendar, and news. Also has resources for teaching and learning, Web links, and member only area.
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