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221B Baker Street
Find 48 of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's original canon of 60 tales of mystery and detection. Including the original illustrations. Available in text, PDF and Palm DOC format.
Aspects of the Victorian Book
Covers the production and publishing of books in Britain during the nineteenth century. Includes printing technology, illustration, lithography, bookbindings, the novel, yellowbacks, penny dreadfuls, children's books, and magazines for women.
Camden House
Illustrated Sherlock Holmes stories and a collection of Holmesian graphics.
Sherlock Holmes Society of London
Dedicated to studying and furthering interest in the career, life and times of the famous consulting detective, created by Arthur Conan Doyle. News, events, history, activities, publications, merchandise, and media.
Ulysses Uncovered
Summary and guide to Ulysses. It accurately gives you the story of Joyce’s masterpiece. This book explains each of the 18 episodes in Ulysses very well.
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