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American Cancer Society
Dedicated to helping persons who face cancer by supporting research, patient services, early detection, treatment and education.
American Red Cross
Find out about services including disaster relief, biomedical, armed forces emergency, health, internation, community, and youth. Includes volunteer and donor information.
Doctors Without Borders
Provides breaking news and information on health issues around the world. Includes information on the organization's work delivering emergency aid to people effected by armed conflict, epidemics, and other health emergencies.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
One of the largest philanthropy organizations in the United States devoted exclusively to health and health care. Contains guidelines for grant applicants and program information.
Ability Found
Non-profit charity providing medical and rehabilitation equipment free of charge to people with disabilities who cannot afford it.
American Cancer Society
Links to cancer information services, community programs and services, research, advocacy and public policy. Also message boards, stories of hope, how to find clinical trials, and ways to volunteer.
American Lung Association
ALA fights lung disease, with special emphasis on asthma and tobacco control. Diseases A to Z , programs and events, stats and research info. In English and Spanish.
California Wellness Foundation
Mission is to improve the health of the people of California by making grants for health promotion, wellness education and disease prevention. Learn about grant programs and peruse wellness links.
Direct Relief International
Providing essential material resources to locally run health programs around the world. Including information center, history, their work, and support info.
Nonprofit agency for health services research, aiming to improve technology, quality, and environmental management and reduce risk. Includes newsroom, patient and physician resources, and information on products, services, and programs.
Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation
The fundraising arm of the Hamilton Health Sciences healthcare system. About the foundation, the goals, donors, and news and events.
Health Tech
Nonprofit organization for research and education providing services and information about technology as related to the health care industry. Includes information, research reports, forecast tools, and working groups.
Institute For Safe Medication Practices
Nonprofit organization working with health care professionals for education on preventing adverse side effects of medications. Includes description of products and services, error reporting, alerts, articles, and message board.
Nonprofit corporation for consumer health care value assessment and improvement, with services including review, consulting, and data validation. Includes information for consumers and professionals, publications, events, and news.
Lawson Health Care Foundation
Non-profit group offers assistance with free medications,free medicines, free prescription drugs and low cost medicines from Canada.
Lynn Sage Breast Cancer
Non-profit organization providing annual conferences targeting individuals actively engaged in breast cancer diagnostic and therapeutic treatment.
Medical Outcomes Trust
Nonprofit organization specializing in measurement of medical care outcomes through standardized assessment instruments and related applications and documentation. Includes publications, descriptions, and order forms.
Medicins Sans Frontiers
International humanitarian aid organization that provides emergency medical assistance to populations in danger. Information about campaigns. You may volunteer with them or make a donation.
Multiple Sclerosis Foundation
Research, forums, MS links, and services. Audio presentations available in Spanish and English.
National Osteoporosis Foundation
About the disease, treatments, support groups, reports, prevention, bone health, advocacy, and news.
National Patient Safety Foundation
Charity organization dedicated to improving patient safety during health care. Includes information on programs, fact sheets, reports, publications, news, videos, online store, and information on getting involved.
Scott Hamilton CARES Initiative
Provides funding for ongoing cancer research as well as for the development of patient resource programs.
Sue Ryder Care
Charity which supports people with disabilities and life shortening diseases, their families, carers and friends. Provides residential care, day care centres and home care. Information on the charity, its services and shops.
Teenage Cancer Trust
UK charity for teenage cancer patients. Include details about its units nationwide, news, events, health facts. Online shop, donations and forums available.
World Health Organization
Health topics and disease information, research tools and news about health. Country specific data about expenditures, regulations, life tables and human resources. In English, Spanish and French.
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