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Adirondack Mountain Club
Membership information, chapters, conservation and advocacy program, and volunteer work. Also has information about camping and educational programs.
African Wildlife Foundation
Information about their missions and programs, news, and information about Africa and its animals.
Bombay Natural History Society
Non-government organization engaged in nature conservation research. Covers details about society, research, awards and collection. Also includes library and conservation education center.
Sells carbon offsets to individuals, business and organizations. Learn about climate change, calculate your carbon foot print or view list of carbon free business.
A sustainability hub for organizations and individual people. Registered users can start a blog, post jobs, events and news.
Dot Eco
An organization dedicated to promoting the acceptance and implementation of the .eco top level domain, and is backed by leading ecological and philanthropic groups.
Earth Justice
A nonprofit law firm for the environment, representing public interest clients at no cost. Offers news, online donations, articles, listings of urgent cases, legislation and an email newsletter.
Earth Share
A network of environmental and conservation associations. Offers information on workplace charitable campaigns, earth saving tips, and links to volunteer opportunities and educational resources.
Earthwatch Institute
Organization that supports a sustainable environment through scientific research, education and conservation programs. Features expeditions, grants, jobs, press releases and membership information.
Features clickable buttons that initiate donations towards several different environmental causes. Provides information about each cause. Also offers t-shirts and energy-efficient light bulbs, free email accounts, travel, and educational resources.
Environmental Protection UK
Working towards the reduction of environmental problems through policy development and education. Education and information resources, news and training details.
Greenpeace focuses on the the most crucial worldwide threats to our planet's biodiversity and environment. News, information about campaigns, multimedia downloads, articles, games and press center. You may join them or receive their newsletter.
Planet Ark
An Australian nonprofit organization to benefit the environment. Outlines various projects such as plastic bag recycling and tree planting, and includes news, media center, and environmental software downloads.
Focused on preventing the environment from degrading and promoting humans living in harmony with nature. Includes information on programs, news, fact sheets, publications, photo galleries, and newsletter.
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