Ain't It Cool News Provides the latest in movie, TV, comic and other information from Hollywood.
Box Office Report Information and news about movies, previews, and charts.
Bright Lights Film Journal Includes interviews, actor profiles, and film, film festival, and book reviews.
JoBlo's Movie Emporium Get the last movie news and reviews. Offers media downloads, interviews, and contests. Web surfers can submit their own reviews and participate in the message board. Film and movie news, trailers, and celebrity news. In German.
Movie-O Movie news, previews, reviews, trailers, DVD's, merchandise, posters, scoop reports, classics, and box office.
Preview Magazine International publication on films in production worldwide with information on the latest big screen movies.
Reel Images Online news magazine for African-American television and motion picture industries. News, reviews, filmographies, interviews, TV schedule, and events.
ReelComix The latest in Comic Movie news and discussion including trailers, contests, comic previews and more.
Tuppence Magazine: Blu-ray and DVD release dates UK Blu-ray, digital download and DVD release dates for the UK, covering upcoming home entertainment movie releases, including trailers, DVD and Blu-ray special features and release date information.